Salam Barakallah.
Arsenal kalah lagi??? oooww Man..!
huhu. okey,, minit pertama memang Arsenal yang own that game. thus masa tuh i pon dah rasa very proud of Arsenal lah sebab dah gol 2 bijik kan. Thank to Nasri and Chamakh yang kasi gol 2 an. Than,, i x expect pulak ler yang Tottenham bole kasi gol 3 bijik sekali gus masa minit ke 2. Damn. huhu,, itulah akibatnye kalo dah men asik nak kerek kot. Dear Arsenal terchenta,, please play like a pro,, dun make us sad,, lagi2 bile kalah dengan Tottenham. aduyai~~~~ maybe xde luck kot mlm tadi. God didn't bless the ball. Fabianski,, len kali kalo ader free kick ker,, Panalty ke,, please la jg gol bebaik. sampai bile kot still do da same mistake?
Like i've told before,, i xde la begitu xpert didalam bidang bola nie,, but im a little bit confused,, they should noe that Tottenham just giving them a good feeling during the 1st round. then at the 2nd round,, u lose it,! that is their strategy,, thus u as a professional player should noe their strategy,,, so stop pandang rendah to the others and play like a pro. pleaseee?
I dah jumpe highlight utk game malam 2. sila click disini ya.
btw,, still suke cara Nasri kasik gol,,, hehe,, cute,!
xoxo =)